Inicio / Eventos / 1st AL CAPONE meeting

1st AL CAPONE meeting

  • al-capone2011.jpg
Universidad de los Andes
Fecha: De 23 de Junio de 2011 hasta 24 de Junio de 2011
Hora: De 9:00 am hasta 5:45 pm


1st day (June 23th)

10:05 – 10:15 am

Welcoming remarks by Daniel Mejía (UNIANDES) and João De Mello (PUC‐Rio)

10:15 am – 12:45 pm

1st contributed session (3 papers) – Police and other determinants of crime


“Organization and Information in the Fight against Crime: An Evaluation of the Integration of Police Forces in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil”, Rodrigo Soares (PUC-Rio)

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Comments: Ernesto Schargrodsky (Universidad Torcuato di Tella)


“Police and Crime: Evidence from Dictated Delays in Centralized Police Hiring”, Paolo Buonanno (Università degli Studi di Bergamo, presenter) and Giovanni Mastrobuoni (Collegio Carlo Alberto)

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Comments: Daniel Ortega (CAF – IESA)


“The Effect of Peers on the Likelihood of Becoming Criminal in Medellin”, Carlos Medina (Banco de la Republica, Colombia)

Comments: Miguel Foguel (IPEA)

1:45 – 4:15 pm

2nd contributed session (3 papers). Organized Crime and Illegal Drugs


“Do Illegal Drug Markets Breed Violence? Evidence for Colombia” Daniel Mejia (Universidad de los Andes) and Pascual Restrepo (Universidad de los Andes, presenter)

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Comments: Rodrigo Soares (PUC‐Rio)


“The Birth of the Mafia? The American Temperance Movement and the Age Distribution of Homicide Victims” Emily Owens (Cornell University)

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Comments: Ivan Ribeiro (Universidade de São Paulo)


“Organized Crime Networks: Theory and Evidence Based on Federal Bureau of Narcotics Secret Files on American Mafia” Giovanni Mastrobuoni (Coleggio Carlo Alberto)


Comments: Daniel Mejia (Universidad de los Andes)

4:15 – 5:30 pm

Keynote lecture


“Incarceration and incapacitation: Evidence from the 2006 Italian Collective Pardon” Steven Raphael (University of California at Berkeley)

2nd day (June 24th)

10:00 am – 12:30 pm

1st contributed session (3 papers). Consequences of Crime


“Crime and Microenterprise Growth: Evidence from Mexico” Sarah Pearlman (Vassar College)

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Comments: Pascual Restrepo (Universidad de los Andes)


“Neighborhood Violence and School Achievement: Evidence from Rio de Janeiro's drug battles” Joana Monteiro (Center for International Development)


Comments: Carlos Medina (Banco de la Republica, Colombia)


“Adjusting the Labor Supply to Mitigate Violent Shocks: Evidence from Rural Colombia” Ximena Peña (Universidad de los Andes)

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Comments: Matthew Freedman (Cornell University)

1:30 – 4:00 pm

2nd contributed session (3 papers), Political Economy, State Capacity and Firearms


“The Political Economy of Moral Conflict: An Empirical Study of Learning and Law Enforcement under Prohibition” Camilo García‐Jimeno (MIT)


Comments: João De Mello (PUC‐Rio)


“Revisiting the Effects of Conflict on State Capacity: A Panel Data Approach” Marcela Eslava (Universidad de los Andes)

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Comments: Rafael Di Tella (HBS)


“Cross‐border Spillover: U.S. Gun Laws and Violence in Mexico” Oiendrila Dube (New York University)

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Comments: Claudio Ferraz (PUC‐Rio)

4:15 – 5:30 pm

Keynote lecture


“Mechanism experiments in crime research” Jens Ludwig (University of Chicago)

Lugar: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil