Jaramillo, Paula | Profesora Asociada

Inicio / Jaramillo, Paula | Profesora Asociada
Jaramillo, Paula | Profesora Asociada

Jaramillo, Paula | Profesora Asociada

Ph.D. Economía, University of Rochester

p.jaramillo26 @uniandes.edu.co

Oficina: W-811

Extensión: 2477



Profesora Asociada

Ph.D. Economía, University of Rochester.

Economista, Universidad de los Andes.

Mi investigación se centra en temas microeconómicos: teoría de juegos, diseño de mercados, asignación axiomática de recursos y teoría de emparejamiento.


Google Scholar



Cursos que dicta en 2024-2

Pensando Problemas
Microeconomía 3 con Taller
Microeconomía 3
Microeconomía Avanzada Equilibrio General



- The difference indifference makes in strategy-proof allocation of objects. (2012) Journal of Economic Theory 47 (5) 1913-1946 (with Vikram Manjunath).
Link to paper here.

- Equilibria under Deferred Acceptance: Dropping Strategies, Filled Positions, and Welfare. (2013) Games and Economic Behavior 82 (1) 693-701 (with Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn).
Link to paper here.

- On the exhaustiveness of truncation and dropping strategies in many-to-many matching markets. (2014) Social Choice and Welfare 42 (4) 793-811 (with Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn).
Link to paper here.

- Asymmetrically fair rules for an indivisible good problem with a budget constraint. (2014) Social Choice and Welfare 43 (3) 603-633 (with Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn).
Link to paper here.

- Minimal consistent enlargements of the immediate acceptance rule and the top trading cycles rule in school choice. (2017) Social Choice and Welfare 48 (1) 177-195.
Link to paper here.

- The core of roommate problems: size and rank-fairness within matched pairs. (2019) International Journal of Game Theory 48 (1) 157-179 (with Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn).
Link to paper here.


- School choice: Nash implementation of stable matchings through rank-priority mechanisms. 2017.  (with Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn).
Link to CEDE working paper here.

- Rank gaps and the size of the core for roommate problems. 2017.  (with Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn).
Link to CEDE working paper here.

- Minimal consistent enlargements of the immediate acceptance rule and the top trading cycles rule in school choice. 2014. 
Link to CEDE working paper here.

- Equilibria under Deferred Acceptance: Dropping Strategies, Filled Positions, and Welfare. 2013 (with Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn).
Link to CEDE working paper here.

- Congestion in irrigation problems. 2013.
Link to CEDE working paper here.

- On the exhaustiveness of truncation and dropping strategies in many-to-many matching markets. 2012 (with Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn).
Link to CEDE working paper here.
Link to an updated version here (May 2013).

- Asymmetrically fair rules for an indivisible good problem with a budget constraint. 2012 (with Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn).
Link to CEDE working paper here.
Link to an updated version here (May 2013).
Link a mi blog en La Silla Vacía sobre la Ley de Reparación de víctimas here (in Spanish.)

- The difference indifference makes in strategy-proof allocation of objects. 2011 (with Vikram Manjunath).
Link to CEDE working paper here.


- Dating and updating . 2009. (with Jorge García).
Link to the paper here.