XVI RIDGE Forums | Growth and Development in Macroeconomics

Scientific Committee
Lorenzo Caliendo (Yale University)
Julieta Caunedo (Toronto Rotman)
German Cubas (University of Houston)
Marcela Eslava (Universidad de Los Andes)
Hugo Hopenhayn (University of California, Los Angeles)
Omar Licandro (University of Nottingham and Barcelona GSE)
José Pulido (Banco de la República)
Natalia Ramondo (Boston University)
Marla Ripoll (University of Pittsburgh)
Diego Restuccia (University of Toronto)
Keynote Speakers
Samuel Kortum (Yale)
Ellen McGrattan (Minnesota)
10:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 10:30
Opening Remarks: ….
10:30 – 11:30
Keynote Speaker
Chair: Lorenzo Caliendo
Samuel Kortum, Yale University
11:30 – 12:00
Coffee Break
Session 2
12:00 – 13:30
Chair: German Cubas
International Trade, Volatility, and Income Differences
Roman Merga, U. of Rochester
The Pro-competitive Effects of Trade in Frictional Labor Markets
Hamid Firooz, University of Rochester
13:30 – 16:00
Session 3
16:00 – 17:30
Chair: Jose Pulido
Temperature Shocks and Land Fragmentation: Evidence from Transaction and Property Registry Data
Nicolas de Roux, U. de Los Andes (joint with J. Arteaga, M. Gafaro and A. M. I banez)
Deforestation: A Global Dynamic Perspective
Heitor Pellegrina, NYU Abu Dhabi (joint with S. Sotelo, F. Farrokhi and E. Kang)
Guided visit and coctail at Museo del Oro
Session 4
09:30 – 11:00
Chair: Diego Restuccia
Labor Market Power, Self-Employment, and Development
Pamela Medina, University of Toronto (joint with F. Amodio and M. Morlacco)
Cost of Size-dependent Regulation: The Role of Informality and Firm Heterogeneity
Harun Alp, Federal Reserve Board (joint with U. Akcigit, Y.E. Akgunduz, S. M. Cilasun and J. M. Quintero)
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee Break
Keynote Speaker
11:30 – 12:30
Chair: Hugo Hopenhayn
Ellen McGrattan, University of Minnesota
Session 5
12:30 – 14:00
Small Teams in Big Cities: Are Technology Differences Across Cities Optimal?
Clara Santamaria, Sciences Po
Spatial Production Networks
Federico Huneeus, Central Bank of Chile (joint with C. Arkolakis and Y. Miyauchi)
14:00 – 16:00
Session 6
16:00 – 17:30
Gender, Work and Structural Transformation
Charles Gottlieb, University of St. Gallen (joint with M. Poschke, C. Doss and D. Gollin)
Jobless Industrialization
Luis Felipe Saenz, University of South Carolina (joint with L. Alfaro, M. Eslava and M. Mestieri)
IDB Policy Panel
17:45 – 19:00
Chair: Marcela Eslava
Launch of IADB report on Firms and Covid.
Presenters: Andrew Powell (IDB) and Liliana Rojas-Suárez
Comments: Federico Huneeus (Central Bank, Chile) and Luis Fernando Mejía (Fedesarrollo)