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Universidad de los Andes
Fecha: De 26 de Octubre de 2012 hasta 27 de Octubre de 2012
Hora: De 8:00 am hasta 5:00 pm

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The Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Teoría Económica (JOLATE) is an international conference initiated and organized by scholars from Latin America and is recognized by the Latin American Econometric Society. Scholars and Researchers from all over the world are most cordially welcome to participate. The main goal of the JOLATE is to promote research in Economic Theory in Latin America through works and presentations of Latin American specialists and their collaborators, and to stimulate young researchers to make further research in Economic Theory. This year JOLATE XIII will be held in October 26 and 27, 2012 at Universidad de los AndesBogotáColombia.
Organizing Committee: 
Paula Jaramillo, Universidad de los Andes 
Oskar Nupia, Universidad de los Andes
Keynote speakers: 
Alvaro Sandroni, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. 
William Thomson, Department of Economics, University of Rochester.
Elvio Accinelli, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. 
Paula Jaramillo, Universidad de Los Andes. 
Cagatay Kayi, Universidad del Rosario. 
Silvia London, Universidad Nacional del Sur. 
Oskar Nupia, Universidad de Los Andes. 
Alvaro Riascos, Universidad de Los Andes. 
Juan Pablo Torres-Martínez, Universidad de Chile.
Practical Information
The Department of Economics at Universidad de los Andes and its Center of Economic Development Studies (CEDE) is the leading economic research institution in Colombia. Its beautiful campus is located in downtown Bogotá, right beside the famous Cathedral of Monserrate
standing at 3,152 meters overseeing the city.
The Workshop will be held in the University Campus. The organizers have secured special rates at the:
1. Bh La Quinta (Keynote speakers)$160 per night
2. Bh Tempo US$144 per night
4. Hotel Casa DECO US$95 per night
To reserve your hotel, please send a email to Karina Ricaurte - [email protected] who is in charge of booking your hotel.
For more information: 
About Universidad de los Andes 
About Bogotá 
About Colombia 
Lugar: Universidad de los Andes