Title: Postdoctoral Position
Location: Bogotá, COLOMBIA
Academic Institution: Universidad de los Andes
Opening date: July 10, 2020
Closing date: August 21, 2020
First day of employment: September 14, 2020
One Postdoctoral Position at the Department of Economics, Universidad de Los Andes
Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, invites applications for a postdoctoral (full-time) position at the Department of Economics. The Department has around 40 professors working on issues related to sustainability and economic development, such as environmental, behavioral, development, and applied economics, where researchers work on different aspects of development and environment concerns. Find more information about the Department of Economics at https://economia.uniandes.edu.co/.
The Department is connected to the Latin American Center for the Sustainable Development Goals (CODS), as the University of Los Andes is hosting this center (https://cods.uniandes.edu.co/).
The Department of Economics is part of the SDGnexus Network. This network consists of a partnership from Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan institutions. It provides a common research framework related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) and aims to analyze synergies and tradeoffs among individual SDGs (SDG nexus analysis).
The position is supported by the SDGnexus Network led by the Justus Liebig University, Giessen, and by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ).
Job Assignment
The position involves research on the fields of economics of SDGs, with particular attention to the nexus among them, in the areas of food systems, water, urban and rural areas, and natural resources.
The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute with, at least, the following activities:
- Carry out current team-based research projects,
- Initiate new research,
- Might assume teaching or outreach responsibilities and,
- Assist in grant proposal writing and reporting within the research areas identified in the network.
The identified areas are agriculture and food systems, water, urban and rural areas, natural resources and, SDG progress & monitoring network.
We particularly welcome research embedded in a global or regional context with a clear link to developing countries, preferably within the countries of the network. The work can be theoretical or empirical. We expect candidates to publish the results of their research in high-impact peer-reviewed journals.
Opportunities for collaboration with other scholars within the University exist, and it is encouraged. There will be funds available for travel and short visits to other universities, congresses attendance, as well as support for carrying out data collection.
The Program is carried out in a collaborative effort together with researchers at the other countries of the SDGnexus network. The candidate is expected to contribute to the research, and to take an active part in the general work of the network, e.g., by participating in joint meetings, seminars, and conferences, supporting data collection and conducting cross-country studies.
Applicants should hold a recent Ph.D. in economics or related fields, or be close to finishing their thesis. Research expertise in topics related to the SDGs and their nexus is desirable. Experience or demonstrated ability to work in multidisciplinary and collaborative teams is preferred as well. We encourage researchers around the globe, as well as Colombian researchers who have earned their Ph.D. overseas, to apply to the position.
Potential for high-impact and policy-relevant research will be a crucial selection criterion, with a particular emphasis on the degree of progression and forward-looking aspects of the research defined for the network. For that, aspects such as relevant statistical analysis skills, willingness to work in new and challenging environments, and the ability to develop and manage research and development projects are of particular interest in the profile of the candidate.
Fluency in oral and written English is also a requisite.
Application instructions
Interested applicants should send an application in English that must include:
- A cover letter explaining your interest in the position, including a brief written account of your research and an explanation of how you intend to carry out your work if offered the position.
- A detailed curriculum vitae.
- A copy of a relevant publication, research, or working paper published within the last three years. In any case, a written sample of your research work is necessary.
Documentation should be sent to [email protected] by August 21, 2020. Please send your applications with the following subject header of the email: “SDG Nexus PostDoc position.”
Short-listed candidates will be contacted and invited for interviews with representatives of the SDGnexus Network consortium. These candidates might be required to provide documentation of qualifications (e.g., copy of the Ph.D. diploma/examination certificates) and two academic recommendation letters.
The applicant who, in the overall assessment of skills and potential, is deemed to be best suited to fulfill the position requirements will be selected for the post.