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  • Opening for a position in History of Economics and Economic History

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      -Facultad de Economía-


The Department of Economics at Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, is pleased to announce an opening for a position in History of Economics and Economic History, primarily focused on instruction, with opportunities for engagement in research and dissemination based on individual interests. We are seeking individuals at the early stages of their academic careers, who have a solid foundational knowledge in Economics and a potential interest in developing educational content in areas such as the History of Economics, Economic History, Economic Methodology, and Economic Philosophy.

The selected candidate will be primarily responsible for designing and teaching courses that explore Economic Theory and its historical development. These courses play a crucial role in our academic programs, from undergraduate students to PhD levels. This is a three-year position offering a competitive salary and the chance to be part of a vibrant academic community. Universidad de Los Andes prides itself as a leading Economics department in Colombia and ranks among the top five in Latin America. We have a longstanding commitment to the study and instruction of the History of Economic Thought.

Proficiency in Spanish is required for this role.

Please submit to [email protected] a resume and a teaching philosophy that includes references to your experience teaching relevant courses related to History of Economic Thought by May 24th, 2024.

More information: [email protected] and http://economia.uniandes.edu.co/

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