Boris Ginzburg, José-Alberto Guerra, Warn N. Lekfuangfu
Journal of Public Economics,
January 2022
- Counting on my vote not counting: Expressive voting in committees
- Equality of Opportunity and Human Capital Accumulation: Motivational Effect of a Nationwide Scholarship in Colombia
Andrés Moya, Rachid Laajaj, Fabio Sánchez
Journal of Development of Economics,
January 2022 - CEDE Working Paper 2022-03
Let the rebels rule? Evidence on the economic effects of rebel governance in Colombia
Pérez-Cardona, Santiago
- CEDE Working Paper 2022-02
Learning to learn: Experimentation, entrepreneurial capital, and development
Maloney, William Francis; Zambrano, Andrés
- CEDE Working Paper 2022-01
Colombia: Democratic but violent?
Fergusson, Leopoldo; Vargas, Juan Fernando
- CEDE Working Paper 2021-58
Guns, pets, and strikes: an experiment on identity and political action
Ginzburg, Boris; Guerra, José-Alberto
- When voters like to be right: An analysis of the Condorcet Jury Theorem with mixed motives
Rune Midjord, Tomás Rodríguez Barraquer, Justin Valasek
Journal of Economic Theory,
December 2021 - Have behavioral sciences delivered on their promise to influence environmental policy and conservation practice?
Maria Alejandra Vélez, Lina Moros
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences,
Volume 43, December 2021...
- Understanding Diversity (or the lack thereof) in the Economics Profession in Latin America
Erich Pínzón-Fuchs, Jimena Hurtado
Cuadernos de Economia,
November 2021 - Physicians' incentives to adopt personalised medicine: an experimental approach
David Bardey, Samuel Kembou Nzaleb and Bruno Ventelou
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
November 2021 - Concentration of the Mobile Telecommunications Markets and Countries' Competitiveness
David Bardey, Danilo Aristizábal, Bibiana Sáenz y José Santiago Gómez
Telecommunications Policy,
November 2021 - CEDE Working Paper 2021-57
Exogenous shocks, credit reports and access to credit: Evidence from colombian coffee producers
de Roux, Nicolás