Vélez, María Alejandra | Professor
Vélez, María Alejandra | Professor
Ph.D. in Resource Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
mavelez @uniandes.edu.co
Director CESED
Office: W-809
Extension: 2413
Ph.D. in Resource Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Economist, Universidad de los Andes.
See my profile
Websites and Social networks
Areas of Interest
Environmental and natural resource economics.
Experimental and behavioral economics.
Rural development.
Drug policy.
Other academic activities
- Director (Centro de Estudios sobre Seguridad y Drogas) https://cesed.uniandes.edu.co/
- Senior research fellow EfD https://efdinitiative.org/colombia/people/l/velez-maria-alejandra/5429