Let the rebels rule? Evidence on the economic effects of rebel governance in Colombia
Pérez-Cardona, Santiago
Let the rebels rule? Evidence on the economic effects of rebel governance in Colombia
Pérez-Cardona, Santiago
Learning to learn: Experimentation, entrepreneurial capital, and development
Maloney, William Francis; Zambrano, Andrés
Colombia: Democratic but violent?
Fergusson, Leopoldo; Vargas, Juan Fernando
Guns, pets, and strikes: an experiment on identity and political action
Ginzburg, Boris; Guerra, José-Alberto
Rune Midjord, Tomás Rodríguez Barraquer, Justin Valasek
Journal of Economic Theory,
December 2021
Maria Alejandra Vélez, Lina Moros
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences,
Volume 43, December 2021
Erich Pínzón-Fuchs, Jimena Hurtado
Cuadernos de Economia,
November 2021
David Bardey, Samuel Kembou Nzaleb and Bruno Ventelou
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
November 2021
David Bardey, Danilo Aristizábal, Bibiana Sáenz y José Santiago Gómez
Telecommunications Policy,
November 2021
Exogenous shocks, credit reports and access to credit: Evidence from colombian coffee producers
de Roux, Nicolás
Leopoldo Fergusson, Carlos A. Molina ,James A. Robinson
12 November 2021
Luz A. Rodriguez, María Alejandra Vélez, Alexander Pfaff
World Development,
Volume 147, November 2021