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Productive banks lend to productive firms
Pérez Reyna, David; Rozada Najar, Angie; Suaza Duarte, Fausto Andrés
Partners to Rivals: The Interruption to Trade in the Colombian – Venezuelan Border
Malkún Montoya, Samuel
Impact Assessment of the Colombia-Korea FTA: An Empirical Approach
Caraballo Candela, David Santiago
Choques exógenos, reportes crediticios y acceso al crédito: Evidencia de productores colombianos de café
De Roux, Nicolás
Perceived Social Acceptance and Migrants' Financial Inclusion
Barboni, Giorgia; De Roux, Nicolás; Pérez Cardona, Santiago
Quantifying Green Job Potential in Colombia: A Task-Based Approach
Becerra, Oscar; Piñeros Ruiz, Juana
Gender Gaps in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Environmental Degradation in Colombia
Aguilar Gómez, Sandra; Cárdenas Campo, Juan Camilo;...
Incentivizing Physicians' Diagnostic Effort and Test with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection
Bardey, David; Donder, Philippe de; Leroux, Marie-Louise...
Crown Versus Settler Colonialism in Mexico
Galán, Juan Sebastián
Gender Gaps in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Environmental Degradation in Colombia
Aguilar Gómez, Sandra; Cárdenas Campo, Juan Camilo;...